BLOG #14: Gare Du Nord Train Station Goes Graffiti- Quai 36 Project

Last day in Paris of the trip and we found ourselves mural hunting for the Quai 36 Project inside of Paris’s main rail station Gare Du Nord- where thousands of travelers pass through on the daily. Quai 36 is an organization of the arts who brought together artist from many walks of life to take over Gare Du Nord rail station platforms. I must admit I was a little overwhelmed by how massive this station was and nearly gave up on the search but through the other side of the rails as a train passed by- peaked artwork. We hurried over to the other side of the platform and just like that we were in the presence of these remarkable pieces of work. It really warms my heART knowing graffiti was allowed in a metro station and these artist got paid for it. Good shit when graffiti is allowed with no harassment from the cops. Below are photographs of some of my favorite pieces, enjoy.